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Resources available to all users:

  • Text Comparison—theories covered in A First Look and ten other textbooks
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  • Chapter Outlines
  • Key Names—important names and terms in each chapter
  • Conversation Videos—interviews with theorists
  • Application Logs—student application of theories
  • Essay Questions—for student prepatation
  • Suggested Movie Clips—tie-in movie scenese to theories
  • Links—web resources related to each chapter
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Pop Culture Connections
11th Edition

Some of the suggested connections come from references in the Instructors Manual, others have been added to the website (only chapters with suggested connectons are shown below).

NOTE: Pop Culture Connections is new with Edition 11, replacing Suggested Movie Clips and Links from previous editions. If you change to Edition 9 or 10 you will be directed to the Movie Clips page.

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Chapter 29Feminist Standpoint Theory

The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, S1, E5, "Truth"
Strong objectivity searches for knowledge by starting from the lives of marginalized groups, which upon critical reflection and resistance provides a less false view of reality
As Sam Wilson struggles with the possibility of inheriting the legacy of Captain America, he visits Isaiah Bradley, another super soldier (as was Captain America) who American military leadership experimented on and marginalized. As Isaiah shares the story of the racism he suffered, he challenges the knowledge that Sam has--knowledge that reflects the interests of powerful white people and hides uncomfortable truths.
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"Boys Will Be Boys", Dua Lipa, Future Nostalgia
A social location is a group membership that shapes our experiences of the world and our ways of understanding it.
In this song, Dua Lipa voices common feminine experiences that advantage men and disadvantage women. Based on this song, do you think she has moved from a social location to having a feminist standpoint? Why or why not?
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"Patricia Hill Collins Explains BLACK FEMINIST THOUGHT | #1 Controlling Images", TV Boitempo
The strong Black woman controlling images that appear in mass media burden Black women with expectations of strength that are impossible for any human being to live up to.
Here, Patricia Hill Collins elaborates on the idea of the strong Black woman controlling image. She identifies specific types of that image, and also considers how these types can function positively or negatively. She uses Michelle Obama's role as First Lady as an example. (Note that although the introductory text is in Portuguese, the interview is in English.)
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"Miranda Fricker On Testimony and the Power of Words", Gender Talks
Epistemic injustice is harm that occurs when society attacks human value by assigning greater worth to some knowers than it does to others.
Miranda Fricker summarizes her ethical perspective on epistemic injustice, using examples drawn from Colombian women who experienced sexual violence against them.
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On the Basis of Sex
A standpoint is a perspective achieved through critical reflection on power relations and their consequences that opposes the status quo.
On the Basis of Sex is a historical biographical film about the late Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. In this scene, Ginsburg (Felicity Jones) makes a closing argument that describes the existence, history, and causes of legally-mandated sexism in United States law. Her words reveal careful reflection on power relations that leads her to oppose the status quo.
Cue Point:
Closing argument scene
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Hidden Figures
Intersectionality refers to how all aspects of a person's identity are intertwined, mutually constituting each other. A standpoint is a perspective achieved through critical reflection that opposes the status quo.
Mary Jackson wants to attend classes at a high school so that she can study to become a NASA engineer. The barrier to doing so is that South Carolina is a segregated state, the high school is only for white students, and Mary Jackson is a Black woman. Note that the judge refers to her not only by her race but by her sex; her intersectionality hinders her freedom. Jackson's responses reveals that she has a standpoint; she is aware that her case is not only about her opportunities, but those of people long into the future.
Cue Point:
Courtroom scene
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"Mad Woman", Taylor Swift, Folklore
Our group memberships (social location) shapes our experience of the world and our ways of understanding it.
The thesis of this song resonates deeply with feminist standpoint theory: Women (and others on the margins of society) have insights into society that members of more powerful groups don’t possess.
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  • Switch to View by Theory, then select the desired theory/chapter from the drop-down list at the top of the page. Look in the list of available resources.
  • To quickly find a theory by chapter number, use the Table of Contents and link from there. It will take you directly to the theory with available options highlighted.
  • You can also use the Theory List, which will take you directly to the theory with available options highlighted.

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11th Edition

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Some content is updated between editions (most typical are Application Logs, Movie Clips, Links, and Further Resources). If you notice any errors or have suggestions, please use the Contact Us form.


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