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Pop Culture Connections
11th Edition

Some of the suggested connections come from references in the Instructors Manual, others have been added to the website (only chapters with suggested connectons are shown below).

NOTE: Pop Culture Connections is new with Edition 11, replacing Suggested Movie Clips and Links from previous editions. If you change to Edition 9 or 10 you will be directed to the Movie Clips page.

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Chapter 23Communicative Constitution of Organizations

The Office, S4, E5, "Local Ad"
Institutional positioning is one of the four flows that constitutes organization(s).
In this episode, corporate rejects Michael's idea for a Dunder Mifflin ad in favor of their version. We see both ads in this clip, and both take different approaches to institutional positioning. For contrast, you might consider what the cultural approach to organizations would say about the stories told in each ad.
Discovered  By:
Paige (Andrew's student)

The Internship
Membership negotiation is one of the four flows that constitutes organization(s).
In this scene, Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilson's characters are interviewing for internship positions at Google. The question asked by the Google interviewer is a real one used by Google. What does such a question say about their process of membership negotiation? If you were one of the interviewers, what would you think about the interviewees' unusual response?
Cue Point:
Webcam interview scene
Discovered  By:
Will (Andrew's student)

Membership negotiation and institutional positioning are two of four flows that call organization into being.
In this song and dance number, watch how the boys use communication to form a union and to position themselves against an organization.
Discovered  By:
Dr. Kate Cooper, DePaul University

The Big Bang Theory, S2, E18, "The Work Song Nanocluster"
The four flows call organization into being
When Penny creates her own business making flower barrette clips, somehow her male friends get involved. The clip opens with a song, suggested by Sheldon, to enhance productivity--that's activity coordination. Hear the gang discuss institutional positioning as they consider how to connect the product with customers. The clip ends with self-structuring as Sheldon assigns roles--clearly he, not Penny, is now in charge. Throughout the clip, subtle membership negotiation has occurred, whereby the group of friends is now organized around a shared activity.
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"Nest CEO on Culture of Apple vs. Google", CNN
Self-structuring is communication that shapes the relationship among an organization's members.
In this interview, Nest founder Tody Fadell contrasts the corporate cultures of Google and Apple. Google features a less centralized structure whereas Apple more strongly emphasizes hierarchy.
Cue Point:
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"USC & UCLA to Big Ten, Notre Dame the next to join a conference?! Pete Thamel explains | SC with SVP", ESPN College Football
Institutional positioning is ocmmunication between an organization and external entities.
This video clip covers the news that USC and UCLA would be leaving the Pac 12 conference to join the Big 10 conference--an earthquake in the college football landscape. From the perspective of CCO, the moves that schools and conferences make to position themselves against each other is institutional positioning. Toward the end of the clip, Pete Thamel argues that economic pressures are reshaping the college sports landscape. CCO would have a different take; how might CCO explain what's going on?
Discovered  By:

Folklore: The Long Pond Studio Sessions
Flows are circulating fields of messages that constitute organization.
CCO addresses how organization is constituted through communication, a process that occurs when closure is achieved through back-and-forth interaction. This entire show focuses on how this was accomplished by Taylor and her collaborators, creating a Grammy-award winning album during the isolation of the COVID-19 pandemic. This clip focuses on the song “Exile,” addressing how the song grew from a piano riff by Taylor’s boyfriend Joe Alwyn, to collaboration with Aaron Dessner, to including Justin Vernon (Bon Iver). Which of the four flows occur in this very organic example of organizing? If you watch the entire show, do you see all four flows present in the creation of the Folklore album?
Cue Point:
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  • You can also use the Theory List, which will take you directly to the theory with available options highlighted.

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11th Edition

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