Chapter Outline 10th Edition
- Introduction.
- Randy Hirokawa and Dennis Gouran believe that group interaction has a positive effect on decision making.
- Hirokawa seeks quality solutions; Gouran desires appropriate decisions.
- The functional perspective specifies what communication must accomplish for jointly made decisions to be wise.
- Four functions for effective decision making.
- Hirokawa and Gouran draw on the analogy between biological systems and small groups.
- Group decision making must fulfill four task requirements to reach a high-quality decision.
- These tasks are requisite functions of effective decision making—hence the functional perspective label.
- Function #1: Analysis of the problem.
- Group members must take a realistic look at current conditions.
- Misunderstandings of situations are compounded when group members make their final decision.
- The clearest example of faulty analysis is a failure to recognize a potential threat.
- Group members must determine the nature, extent, and probable cause(s) of the problem.
- Function #2: Goal setting.
- A group needs to establish criteria for judging proposed solutions. If the group fails to meet these, the decision will likely be driven by power or passion rather than reason.
- With no definitive goals to focus their discussion, it’s difficult for group members to know whether they’re making an appropriate decision.
- Function #3: Identification of alternatives.
- Hirokawa and Gouran stress the importance of marshalling a number of different viable options from which to choose.
- Groups need to identify courses of action.
- Function #4: Evaluation of positive and negative characteristics.
- Group members must test the relative merits of each alternative they identified against the criteria that emerged in the goal setting function.
- Some group tasks have a positive bias—spotting the favorable characteristics of alternative choices is more important than identifying negative qualities.
- Other group tasks have a negative bias—the downside of options is more important than identifying their positive qualities.
- Prioritizing the four functions.
- Originally, they thought that no single function was inherently more central than the others.
- Hirokawa discovered the groups that successfully resolve especially difficult problems usually take a common decision-making path.
- Research suggests that the evaluation of negative consequences of alternative solutions was by far the most crucial to ensure a quality decision.
- Hirokawa now splits evaluation of positive and negative consequences and speaks of five requisite functions rather than four.
- As long as a group covers all of the functions, the route taken is not the key issue.
- Nonetheless, groups that successfully resolve particularly tough problems often take a common decision-making path: problem analysis, goal setting, identifying alternatives, and evaluating the positive and negative characteristics.
- The role of communication in fulfilling the functions.
- Traditional wisdom suggests that talk is the channel or conduit through which information travels between participants.
- Verbal interaction makes it possible for members to distribute and pool information, catch and remedy errors, and influence each other.
- Ivan Steiner claimed that actual group productivity equals potential productivity minus losses due to processes.
- Communication is best when it does not obstruct or distort the free flow of ideas.
- In contrast, Hirokawa believes that group discussion creates the social reality for decision making.
- Hirokawa and Gouran outline three types of communication in decision-making groups.
- Promotive—interaction that calls attention to one of the four decision-making functions.
- Disruptive—interaction that detracts from the group’s ability to achieve the four task functions.
- Counteractive—interaction that refocuses the group.
- Since most communication disrupts, effective group decision making depends upon counteractive influence.
- Thoughtful advice for those who know they are right.
- Be skeptical of personal opinions.
- Groups often abandon the rational path due to the persuasive efforts of other self-assured group members.
- Unsupported intuition is untrustworthy.
- Follow John Dewey’s six-step process of reflective thinking, which parallels a doctor’s treatment regimen.
- Recognize symptoms of illness.
- Diagnose the cause of the ailment.
- Establish criteria for wellness.
- Consider possible remedies.
- Test to determine which solutions will work.
- Implement or prescribe the best solution.
- Hirokawa and Gouran’s four requisite functions replicate steps two through five of Dewey’s reflective thinking.
- To counteract faulty logic, insist on a careful process.
- Ethical reflection: Habermas’ discourse ethics.
- Jürgen Habermas suggests a rational group process through which people can determine right from wrong.
- Being ethical means being accountable.
- People in a given culture or community can agree on the good they want to accomplish and over time build up wisdom on how to achieve it.
- The person who performed an act must be prepared to discuss what he or she did and why he or she did it in an open forum.
- He imagined an ideal speech situation where participants were free to listen to reason and speak their minds without fear of constraint or control.
- Three requirements must be met to have an ideal speech situation:
- Requirement of access for all affected parties
- Requirement of argument to figure out the common good
- Requirement of justification or universal application
- Critique: Valid Only If New Functions Are Added Or Scope Is Narrowed
- Although the functional perspective is one of the three leading theories in small group communication, its exclusive focus on rationality may cause the mixed experimental results it’s had.
- Stohl and Homes suggest that unless the theorists adopt a bona fide group approach, the theory is irrelevant for most real life group decisions.
- In these authentic situations, many members have roles in overlapping groups that have a stake in the decision they make and are typically responsible to a leader or manager outside the group.
- Stohl and Holmes emphasize that most real-life groups have a prior decision-making history and are embedded within a larger organization.
- They advocate adding a historical function requiring the group to talk about how past decisions were made.
- They also advocate an institutional function that is satisfied when members discuss relevant parties who are absent from the decision-making process.
- Recently, Gouran has raised doubts about the usefulness of the functional perspective for all small groups.
- It’s beneficial for members to fulfill the four requisite functions only when they are addressing questions of policy.
- Groups addressing questions of fact, conjecture, or value may not find the requisite functions relevant.
- The scope of the functional perspective is more limited than first believed.